My pawrents dropped me off yesterday for my surgery. I like going to the hospital because I just love dogs and people so much so at least my mom doesn’t feel guilty like when she drops me off for my haircuts and I pretty much have to be dragged in there. My pawrents were nervous but I did really good. The surgeon called my mom and told her that everything went great and I was a good patient. I’ve just been sleeping since with an IV of medication that makes me feel a little funny. My mom brought a pair of her socks and a blanket that smells like my pawrents and that is comforting. At the night when my mom called the nurse told her I haven’t eaten or peed yet but said that’s normal. I’m always a little picky with food as it is. But I did hear that my pawrents are coming to visit today and they will bring me turkey, my absolute favorite. Can’t wait to go home and rest but for now I’m starting the road to recovery with out that horrible evil lump anywhere to be found! 🐶❤️🐾